Preliminary Program of Paper Presentation Sessions

Opening, 09:00-09:10, January 14th

Multimedia Books, 09:10-10:40, January 14th

  1. Sophie - The future of reading,
    Michael Rüger, Bob Stein, Dan Visel
  2. SophieScript - Active Content in Multimedia Documents,
    Jens Lincke, Robert Hirschfeld, Michael Rüger, Maic Masuch
  3. SophieServer: The Future of Reading,
    Robert Hirschfeld, Michael Haupt, Michael Rueger, Patrick Bruenn, Ronny Esterluss, Norman Holz, Kerstin Knebel, and Robert Timm

Collaboration for Guidance, 11:00-12:30, january 14th

  1. Collaborative Guidance System using Multiple Gaze History and Shared Photograph Collection,
    Rieko Kadobayashi and Azman Osman Lim
  2. Navigating Users Based on Estimation of Interest Vectors with Utility Function,
    Fumiko Harada, Yosuke Nakagawa, Hisashi Ishii, Hiroyuki Yamahara, and Hiromitsu Shimakawa
  3. Information Sharing by Evacuee Collaboration for Assured Evacuation under Lack of Power Supply,
    Hisashi Ishii, Fumiko Harada and Hiromitsu Shimakawa

Tools for Children, 13:30-15:00, January 14th

  1. iiSTOA: Artefacts for mathematical interactive learning exercises,
    Hilaire Fernandes Thibault Carron Stéphane Ducasse
  2. Children as active partners: strategies for collaboration in spatial tasks through Virtual Worlds,
    Filipe Santos ; Benjamim Fonseca ; Leonel Morgado ; Paulo Martins
  3. Evaluation, Training and Measurement System for Autistic Children,
    Mehmet Karaboncuk, Mehmet Tansel Ersavas

Education Environment (1), 15:20-16:50, January 14th

  1. User-driven design of a flexible distance education environment – rationale, lessons learned and future implications,
    Magnus Löfstrand, Mathias Johanson
  2. Graphical Tutoring of Message Passing to Promote Understanding of Java Framework,
    Atsuko Ueno, Hiroshi Taguchi, and Hiromitsu Shimakawa
  3. Promoting Acquisition of Programming Skills by Reuse of Active Diagrams,
    Hiroshi Taguchi, Fumiko Harada, Hiromitsu Shimakawa

Social, Cultural and Organizational Aspects, 17:00-18:30, January 14th

  1. Toward a Model for Collaborative Gerontechnology: Connecting Elders and their Caregivers,
    Benay Dara-Abrams
  2. Effects of Cultural Differences on Trust Reparation in a Computer Mediated Communication Setting,
    Shantanu Pai and Susan Gasson
  3. Virtual Organization: An Overview,
    Mohammad Reza Nami

Joint Keynote Talks with Kyoto University, 09:00-11:00, January 15th

Education Environment (2), 11:20-12:50, January 15th

  1. Remote Opportunities: A Rethinking and Retooling,
    Yağız Onat Yazir, Katherine Gunion, Christopher Pearson, Celina Gibbs, Anthony Estey, Steven Lonergan, Yvonne Coady
  2. Collaborators Search System in CSCL environment,
    Yacine Lafifi, Tahar Bensebaa, Alima Mérabti, Khadidja Bouhalit
  3. Construction of an Entailment Ontology for Enhancing Comprehension of Search Results inside e-Learning Materials,
    Nimit Pattanasri, Katsumi Tanaka

Multimedia for Collaboration, 14:00-16:00, January 15th

  1. New Metaphors for Multimedia Authoring Environments,
    Christine Strothotte and Carola Zwick
  2. MediaDART: a decentralized framework for sharing multimedia content,
    Maurizio Agelli and Orlando Murru
  3. The Group Mapping for Developing Collaborative 3D Blog System,
    Azman Osman Lim and Rieko Kadobayashi
  4. A Map-Based Approach for Visualization of Information Exchange in Town Area,
    Shogo Noguchi and Hideyuki Takada

Programming and Network Environments, 16:20-18:20, January 15th

  1. V-Toys: an experiment in adding visual tiles to EToys,
    Pierre-André Dreyfuss, Serge Stinckwich
  2. Toward A More Scalable End-User Scripting Language,
    Alessandro Warth, Takashi Yamamiya, Yoshiki Ohshima and Scott Wallace
  3. Generating Skip Delaunay Network for P2P Geocasting,
    Shinji Tsuboi, Tomoteru Oku, Masaaki Ohnishi, Shinichi Ueshima
  4. Networking Technologies in the Developing World,
    Marc Fiuczynski, Rick McGeer, Jack Brassil, Larry Peterson and David P. Reed

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Last-modified: 2007-12-21 (Fri) 06:07:23 (6265d)