Preliminary Program of Paper Presentation Sessions †
Opening, 09:00-09:10, January 14th
Multimedia Books, 09:10-10:40, January 14th
- Sophie - The future of reading,
Michael Rüger, Bob Stein, Dan Visel
- SophieScript - Active Content in Multimedia Documents,
Jens Lincke, Robert Hirschfeld, Michael Rüger, Maic Masuch
- SophieServer: The Future of Reading,
Robert Hirschfeld, Michael Haupt, Michael Rueger, Patrick Bruenn, Ronny Esterluss, Norman Holz, Kerstin Knebel, and Robert Timm
Collaboration for Guidance, 11:00-12:30, january 14th
- Collaborative Guidance System using Multiple Gaze History and Shared Photograph Collection,
Rieko Kadobayashi and Azman Osman Lim
- Navigating Users Based on Estimation of Interest Vectors with Utility Function,
Fumiko Harada, Yosuke Nakagawa, Hisashi Ishii, Hiroyuki Yamahara, and Hiromitsu Shimakawa
- Information Sharing by Evacuee Collaboration for Assured Evacuation under Lack of Power Supply,
Hisashi Ishii, Fumiko Harada and Hiromitsu Shimakawa
Tools for Children, 13:30-15:00, January 14th
- iiSTOA: Artefacts for mathematical interactive learning exercises,
Hilaire Fernandes Thibault Carron Stéphane Ducasse
- Children as active partners: strategies for collaboration in spatial tasks through Virtual Worlds,
Filipe Santos ; Benjamim Fonseca ; Leonel Morgado ; Paulo Martins
- Evaluation, Training and Measurement System for Autistic Children,
Mehmet Karaboncuk, Mehmet Tansel Ersavas
Education Environment (1), 15:20-16:50, January 14th
- User-driven design of a flexible distance education environment – rationale, lessons learned and future implications,
Magnus Löfstrand, Mathias Johanson
- Graphical Tutoring of Message Passing to Promote Understanding of Java Framework,
Atsuko Ueno, Hiroshi Taguchi, and Hiromitsu Shimakawa
- Promoting Acquisition of Programming Skills by Reuse of Active Diagrams,
Hiroshi Taguchi, Fumiko Harada, Hiromitsu Shimakawa
Social, Cultural and Organizational Aspects, 17:00-18:30, January 14th
- Toward a Model for Collaborative Gerontechnology: Connecting Elders and their Caregivers,
Benay Dara-Abrams
- Effects of Cultural Differences on Trust Reparation in a Computer Mediated Communication Setting,
Shantanu Pai and Susan Gasson
- Virtual Organization: An Overview,
Mohammad Reza Nami
Joint Keynote Talks with Kyoto University, 09:00-11:00, January 15th
Education Environment (2), 11:20-12:50, January 15th
- Remote Opportunities: A Rethinking and Retooling,
Yağız Onat Yazir, Katherine Gunion, Christopher Pearson, Celina Gibbs, Anthony Estey, Steven Lonergan, Yvonne Coady
- Collaborators Search System in CSCL environment,
Yacine Lafifi, Tahar Bensebaa, Alima Mérabti, Khadidja Bouhalit
- Construction of an Entailment Ontology for Enhancing Comprehension of Search Results inside e-Learning Materials,
Nimit Pattanasri, Katsumi Tanaka
Multimedia for Collaboration, 14:00-16:00, January 15th
- New Metaphors for Multimedia Authoring Environments,
Christine Strothotte and Carola Zwick
- MediaDART: a decentralized framework for sharing multimedia content,
Maurizio Agelli and Orlando Murru
- The Group Mapping for Developing Collaborative 3D Blog System,
Azman Osman Lim and Rieko Kadobayashi
- A Map-Based Approach for Visualization of Information Exchange in Town Area,
Shogo Noguchi and Hideyuki Takada
Programming and Network Environments, 16:20-18:20, January 15th
- V-Toys: an experiment in adding visual tiles to EToys,
Pierre-André Dreyfuss, Serge Stinckwich
- Toward A More Scalable End-User Scripting Language,
Alessandro Warth, Takashi Yamamiya, Yoshiki Ohshima and Scott Wallace
- Generating Skip Delaunay Network for P2P Geocasting,
Shinji Tsuboi, Tomoteru Oku, Masaaki Ohnishi, Shinichi Ueshima
- Networking Technologies in the Developing World,
Marc Fiuczynski, Rick McGeer, Jack Brassil, Larry Peterson and David P. Reed