Call for Papers

C5 2008 invites submissions of full papers in the following categories:

  • Theoretical papers
  • Case studies and experiment reports
  • Papers that ‘bring theory into practice or practice into theory’ bridging between practice and theory in creating, connecting and collaborating through computing.

Full papers must report original work that has not been previously published. Papers must present reports of significant work in research, development and applications, focusing on one or more of the conference topics of interest. All submissions will be reviewed by a distinguished international program committee.

Paper Submission

Paper Format

A full paper with a limit of eight (8) pages, formatted in two columns and 10 point font, should be submitted by the paper submission deadline. Each paper will be reviewed by the program committee, and authors will be notified regarding acceptance. Accepted authors must submit a camera ready version of the full paper with an eight (8) page limit by the camera-ready copy deadline.

Papers should follow the formatting instructions provided by 8.5" x 11", Two-Column Format of "IEEE Computer Society Press - Proceedings Author Guidelines" (please refer to INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS in Conference Publishing Service). Submitted papers and camera-ready papers should be sent electronically through our online submission site below. PDF, Postscript and MS-WORD formats are acceptable for submission.

Online Paper Submission Site

Publication of the Proceedings

A preliminary version of the proceedings will be distributed during the conference. The formal version of the proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and sent to authors after the conference. For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors needs to attend the conference and deliver a presentation; otherwise the paper will not be included in the formal proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Full paper submission: September 30, 2007 October 20, 2007
  • Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2007 November 21, 2007
  • Full paper camera-ready copies: December 15, 2007

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Last-modified: 2007-10-17 (Wed) 01:52:38 (6330d)