Welcome to the C5 2010 conference web site

C5 2010 was over successfully. See you again at C5 2011!

Slides presented at the Lightning session by Lori Weiss is available: http://www.cm.is.ritsumei.ac.jp/c5-10/USC_ICT_Overview_C5.pdf

Calit2 Highlighted Pictures

Here are two pictures to give you an idea of what you will see during the lab tour at Calit2. (Click the pictures to enlarge.)

The Calit2/NASA Ames Collaboratorium virtual handshake.
C5 will be touring the Calit2 HiPerSpace collaboration system.
The Calit2 Auditorium at UCSD where C5 will be held.


  • Conference date is now re-scheduled for January 25 to 27.
  • Preliminary program is available on the Program page.
  • Online registration is now open on the Registration page.
  • Notification of acceptance will be delayed until December 15. Sorry for this inconvenience.


Computers, networks, and other forms of technology are now pervasive in our information-based society. However, most users still function as passive consumers of technology. To evolve into a true knowledge society, it is critical that we transform computer-based human activities to engage users in the active process of creating, connecting, and collaborating together.

The C5 conference is for researchers, technology developers, educators, and technology users who are concerned about developing and enabling human-oriented creation, connection, and collaboration processes. C5 is an international forum for presenting ongoing work as well as new work currently under development and for discussing future needs and directions in creative computing and multimedia authoring environments. We welcome equally the submission of theoretical and technical papers, practitioner/experience reports and papers that bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Topics of Interest

C5 2010 invites submissions of full papers in the following categories (but not limited to):

  • Collaboration & Communication
  • Technology-Human Interaction
  • Visualization
  • Virtual Worlds
  • Social Networks
  • Learning


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the organizing committee at .

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Last-modified: 2010-02-02 (Tue) 03:34:00 (5491d)